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首固(上海)光电有限公司(Alpha-Cure Asia)成立于2005年,由英国知名灯管制造厂Alpha-Cure Ltd在华设立之子公司服务广大国内印刷用户;成立以来即专业生产印刷行业用中压紫外线固化灯管。公司主要产品为汞灯、金属卤化物灯广泛地应用在各种不同的印刷方式上,能替代业界所有印刷机上UV系统中所使用的UV灯管。我们坚决使用业界最高标准的原材料制造灯管以维持灯管的高端质量。母公司Alpha-Cure Ltd成立于1996年至今凭借着经验丰富的研发团队、制造团队及销售团队在全球主要市场服务UV系统制造商与灯管终端用户。超过上万种不同规格的开发与替代灯管能满足用户一切的UV固化需求。
Alpha-Cure leading manufacturer of Ultra-Violet (UV) Curing and Metal Halide Lamps
We pride ourselves on the highest quality product, each?lamp individually handmade using the most sophisticated materials and unrivalled manufacturing processes.?Alpha-Cure's founding partners boast over 133 years of technical knowledge within the UV lamp manufacturing industry, continuously developing new and improved products to our extensive portfolio, ensuring we maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction & support.Our global network of over 50 distributors, 80 agents and 45 OEMs, positions Alpha-Cure to efficiently deliver to all of our customers where ever you are in the world.
首固(上海)光电有限公司(Alpha-Cure Asia)成立于2005年,由英国知名灯管制造厂Alpha-Cure Ltd在华设立之子公司服务广大国内印刷用户;成立以来即专业生产印刷行业用中压紫外线固化灯管。公司主要产品为汞灯、金属卤化物灯广泛地应用在各种不同的印刷方式上,能替代业界所有印刷机上UV系统中所使用的UV灯管。我们坚决使用业界最高标准的原材料制造灯管以维持灯管的高端质量。母公司Alpha-Cure Ltd成立于1996年至今凭借着经验丰富的研发团队、制造团队及销售团队在全球主要市场服务UV系统制造商与灯管终端用户。超过上万种不同规格的开发与替代灯管能满足用户一切的UV固化需求。
Alpha-Cure leading manufacturer of Ultra-Violet (UV) Curing and Metal Halide Lamps
We pride ourselves on the highest quality product, each?lamp individually handmade using the most sophisticated materials and unrivalled manufacturing processes.?Alpha-Cure's founding partners boast over 133 years of technical knowledge within the UV lamp manufacturing industry, continuously developing new and improved products to our extensive portfolio, ensuring we maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction & support.Our global network of over 50 distributors, 80 agents and 45 OEMs, positions Alpha-Cure to efficiently deliver to all of our customers where ever you are in the world.